Film: Nacho Mohedano & Javier Loaiza / dop: carlos kwame / Color grade: @oscar.colorist / VO: @hannahgardinervoice / Mix and Sound Design: industries_soniques / She is: grace.e.cox / Produced by: ines lladó / Photo adrián catalán / Photo Assist: robert gasco / Muah: rubén marmol / Content Creator: ariadna cots & Brownie Team
"Meet Nacho Mohedano a director and editor based in Spain, specialized in fashion and advertising. With an impressive portfolio boasting brands like Cartier, Mango, Brownie, Adidas, Apple, Amazon Prime... he crafts visuals and leave a positive impact."
"Meet Nacho Mohedano a director and editor based in Spain, specialized in fashion and advertising. With an impressive portfolio boasting brands like Cartier, Mango, Brownie, Adidas, Apple, Amazon Prime... he crafts visuals and leave a positive impact."